Archive for the ‘if comp 08’ Category


IF Comp ’09 – Ben Vegiard’s Interface!

October 16, 2009

This one is billed as a “deliberately ‘Old School’ romp.”  I don’t think you can get much more old school than Spelunker’s Quest without actually being stored on eight five-and-a-quarter-inch floppies, but I’ll give Interface the ol’ ben. of the d.  (Just wait until I start blogging as Bertie Wooster full-time.  You guys are going to love it.  On a completely unrelated note, Ben Vegiard’s new nickname for purposes of this review is Inky Two-Veg.  Good chap, old Inky.  Writes games and doesn’t afraid of anything.  I wonder what P.G. Wodehouse would have thought of the internet?)

“Well, I’ll be dashed, Jeeves, it says here this fellow put a car in his car so he can drive while he drives.  Rather Oedipal, that.  Is it Oedipus I’m thinking of, or another of those earnest Greek chappies?”
“That particular meme, if I may say so, sir, is at the tail end of its life cycle, as evidenced by divers subversions of it, my personal favorite being this captioned photograph of Matryoshka dolls.”
“You don’t say.  What are Matryoshka dolls?”
“Russian nesting dolls, sir.  The idea being, naturally, that one put a doll in sir’s doll because one heard sir liked dolls.”
“How extraordinary.  I don’t recall telling anyone I liked dolls.  Come to think of it, I don’t believe I do like dolls.  That is the trouble with people, Jeeves, they neglect to check their facts.  Now, if anyone calls, I shall be in the drawing room charging my laser.”
“Very good, sir.”

Mostly Spoiler-Free Upshot: I think this game had the best-clued puzzles overall, if not necessarily the most innovative.  Goals were clearly presented, mostly, and the solutions were logical, plus the premise was pretty cute, and other than a few typos, there was nothing really wrong with it.  Oh, and excellent hint system.  For an unambitious little house puzzler, it was not bad, Inky, old bean.

[spoilers begin here]

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IF Comp ’08 Review – Harry Wilson’s Lair of the CyberCow!

October 20, 2008

Update the however manyth this happens to be:  Right.  Okay.  On my desk, I have a brand new Canadian computer.  In this brand new Canadian computer, I have an Adrift 3.9 runner and a copy of Lair of the CyberCow, which I was somewhat cruel to on the grounds that it didn’t do very much.  I have been assured that this was entirely my own damn fault for not running it in the 3.9 runner, although I prefer to blame Splattergroit, Steve Jobs, Andrew Plotkin, and my friend Ben who works for Microsoft and is therefore just generally blameable.

I’m’a just throw the updates to this review in with the old review, with, like, a note or something.  Let’s see if this game can be improved by actually working.

[spoilers start here]
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IF Comp ’08 – Simon Christiansen’s Grief!

October 8, 2008

I am getting this one over with. I don’t want to play it. I don’t think I’m going to like it. When I told Riff I was saving it for the last of the z-code games, he said “Is that really the note you want to end on?” and that is not very promising at all really. I would just skip it, but I have my journalistic integrity to consider. Also I told myself I was going to get on the treadmill today, and this game might make that seem like a really fun idea in comparison. So, here we go. Simon Christiansen’s Grief.

[spoilers begin here whether they like it or not]

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IF Comp ’08 Review – David Whyld’s A Date With Death!

October 8, 2008

I will believe that David Whyld is not a pen name once I’ve seen two forms of ID.

…sorry, it’s just that I would hate for anyone to accidentally confuse me with a serious reviewer of interactive fiction, and posting lolcats is the best way I can think of to prevent that.  (Also ur not antalope!  dis is awkwerd.)

Lolcats aside, I just updated my Splattergroit, and Adrift games seem to be fine now, the upshot of which is that, were I Vincent Price or Diana Rigg or anyone else who does the introductions on PBS, I would now look significantly into the camera and announce, “You and I have a date… with death.”

[here begin the spoilers… with death!]

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IF Comp ’08 Review – Leena Ganguli’s Trein!

October 7, 2008

Another word I’m going to have to look up.  You know, I’d thought I had a fairly good handle on what words meant, but this competition is proving me sadly wrong.

Huh.  As far as I can tell, it’s not an actual word in English.  Okay, no idea what this game’s going to be about.  Time to fire the mofo on up.


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IF Comp ’08 Review – Doug Egan’s Afflicted!

October 7, 2008

I’ve got three of the z-code games left that aren’t Grief.  I am saving Grief for last, because I’m fairly sure it’s not going to be a good time, then I’m going to try to find different Mac interpreters or somehow coax Splattergroit into playing the others.  You’re supposed to be some sort of panacea, Splattergroit.  You’re supposed to be this versatile awesome thing.  Yet I have not gotten you to play anything that was not a z-code game.

I’ll figure it out.

Doug Egan sounds like it should be an anagram for something, doesn’t it?  Nude agog?  A undo egg?  Riff tells me this is one of those games that’s going to be all creepy and make me afraid that everyone secretly wants to eat my eyeballs, so I’m going to play it through my fingers.  Are we ready?  Let us begin.

[apres this, les spoilers]

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IF Comp ’08 Review – Sean Huxter’s Piracy 2.0!

October 6, 2008


It has been so long since my blog had pictures.  I’m not sure why Sean Huxter’s game gets pictures and no one else’s does… it could be because SPACE PIRATES!  That could be why because.  Also, do these kids not make adorable space pirates?  Give it up for yourselves; you guys are awesome.

Anyway.  Game.  Game about the space pirates.  Pirates in space.  Let’s play it.

[spoilers start right here]

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IF Comp ’08 Review – Anonymous’s Freedom!

October 6, 2008

This is the first game I have any prior knowledge of at all, and I don’t know how to feel about having it. In case you’d rather not have it yourself, I’m’a roll that big old spoiler warning and you can stop reading now.

[spoilers start here]

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IF Comp ’08 Review – Jeremy Crockett and Victor Janmey’s Riverside!

October 6, 2008

I was all about to nosh on some space pirates, but while I was googleimaging for a good picture of someone cosplaying as Captain Harlock, I was informed that I have to play Riverside, so I might as well play it and find out why.

[very spoilery spoilers lie beneath]

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IF Comp ’08 Review – Joseph Strom’s Ananachronist!

October 6, 2008

Is an ananachronist the same thing as an achronist, or an anarchistic anachronist, or what? All I know is that I have a terrible urge to spell it with far too many “an”s, along the lines of banananana dakry, and that the subtitle is “a puzzle in four dimensions,” which intimidates me already. I hope the implementation is natural and not overly confusing.

[spoilers begin here and proceed in a linear fashion]

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