Archive for the ‘spring thing 12’ Category


Spring Thing ’12 – Robert DeFord’s The Egg and the Newbie!

April 25, 2012

Y’know, not to give anything away about this game, but my friend Zack had chickens (he still has chicken, singular), and those chickens managed to survive for weeks.  Also, if you’re being charged by an ostrich, you should step to one side, grab it by the neck, and hold its head down until someone comes to rescue you.  (This knowledge courtesy Rachel Bess, who is awesome.)  Apparently an ostrich will just disembowel your shit if you aren’t careful.

So be careful, okay?

[spoilers begin here]

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Spring Thing ’12 – Jim Aikin’s The White Bull!

April 16, 2012

I gotta say, I am looking forward to the hint system in this game.  Jim Aikin is to hint systems what Tom Selleck is to moustaches.

[spoilers begin here]

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Spring Thing ’12 – Scott Greig’s Sleuth!

April 9, 2012

Oh, man, one of my favorite games as a kid was this shareware DOS thing called Sleuth.  You were a detective ASCII happy face and there were all these suspect ASCII happy faces and you had to go from room to room looking for the thing with bloodstains on it, because that was the murder weapon, obvs, and someone’s alibi would not match up and oh my God they were the murderer and if you took too long finding the murder weapon or something you died.  Scott Greig’s Sleuth has a lot to live up to, is what I’m saying.

[spoilers begin here]

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Spring Thing ’12 – Janos Honkonen’s The Rocket Man from the Sea!

April 7, 2012

I like the title.  It’s evocative and contradictory all at once.  Like “circus lawyer” or “Hawaiian cheese dip.”

[spoilers begin here]

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